
About Us

The total environmental solutions providers for the palm oil industry

Our Clients

Our Culture

Young, Passionate & Fun


Striving to grow into a leading organization in the palm oil sector that delivers comprehensive environmental solutions.


To provide our reliable systems and products to our customers as solutions to environmental concern matters.

i: Provide reliable systems that are able to resolve challenges and needs in the palm oil mill waste industry.

ii: Provide a full service in design, consturction and operation of our system to fulfil the needs of our customers.

iii: Develop customized solutions for our customers depending on their needs and problems faced.

Our Culture


We provide reliable systems & products to our customers as solutions to environmental concern matters.


Specialize in the design, construction and operation

Focus on Effluent Treatment Plant for Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME),
Tertiary Treatment Plant, Biogas Power Plant and Waste Management Plant – Composting.